
Ferrari 488 Open Roof Models

Ferrari 488 Open Roof Models

Ferrari 488 Open Roof Models. Ferrari 488 models open roof will soon be gliding over the coming months the Frankfurt Motor Show, precisely September with a number of differences compared to 488 hardtop version. Fabric roof that is now paired turns allows Ferrari is lighter.

Ferrari 488 Open Roof Models. According to Ferrari who passed by their representatives in Indonesia, the Italian sports car Ferrari 488 Spider's full name is 25 kg lighter.

Ferrari 488 Open Roof Models. Note that provide support to the performance of the new turbocharged V8 engine in addition to the body better downforce. Ferrari 488 is, as already launched, using the new 3,902 cc V8 engine turbo that is claimed to be at the top of the class, both in terms of power, torque, pull up the response so that it becomes the new benchmark.

Ferrari 488 Open Roof Models. The engine 670 HP exertion. Round of 2,000 RPM can be achieved in 0.8 seconds. It allows Ferrari GTB reach speeds of 200 km / h (instead of 100 km / h) in 8.7 seconds.

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